Another website dedicated to the nude? Really? This site is dedicated to the art of the nude, contemporary paintings and drawings of the nude and semi naked figure: sensual and erotic; sexy and dangerous; eye-catching and intriguing. The paintings are stimulating and engaging, they tease and suggest; they present stories of love and loss, lust and reward. You want to know more as the detail pulls you in: the rich fabrics, the smooth skin, the tilt of a breast, the jut of a hip, the slope of a shoulder and the glint of an eye. The light falls over the figure stroking her buttocks, glistening on her stockings, the shadows picking out the curve of her stomach, the folds of her open dress, encouraging you to look and follow the lines into the hidden places.
Art enlivens and interests, it rewards repeated viewings with new insights. These paintings are to be enjoyed at leisure, looked at again and again, each time seeing something new, something you hadn’t noticed before.
These are works for your private spaces. They are erotic, sensual, sexy and fun.
Several contemporary figurative artists have come together to present our works. We all work in traditional techniques which have taken years to perfect but in a completely modern style. These are all original drawings or paintings in oil, acrylics and watercolour. These are not reproductions or even artist prints, they are one offs. They are all for sale, just contact us and we will put the artist in touch with you.
The appreciation of beauty is never truly absolute, full, abstract; it needs to be recognized over and over again, from body to body, without ever being appeased by timeless perfection and always starting out from the carnal implication of physical desire.
Flaminio Gualdoni -
The appreciation of beauty is never truly absolute, full, abstract; it needs to be recognized over and over again, from body to body, without ever being appeased by timeless perfection and always starting out from the carnal implication of physical desire.
Flaminio Gualdoni -